And it yet it takes us a whole minute to get plates on our bar...
10 Deadlift 10 Hang Clean 10 Front Squat 10 Push Jerk 10 Front Squat 10 Hang Clean 10 Deadlift (185/125) OTM x 12 1 - Parralettes complex 2 - HS walk or hold 3 - Ring Row
Great discussions on salt this week thanks to Vitality Nutrition's information on Wednesday! How did we end up in the position of thinking salt was bad in the first place? Read more of the history in Salt, We Misjudged You and The (Political) Science of Salt.
"While, back then, the evidence merely failed to demonstrate that salt was harmful, the evidence from studies published over the past two years actually suggests that restricting how much salt we eat can increase our likelihood of dying prematurely. Put simply, the possibility has been raised that if we were to eat as little salt as the USDA and the CDC recommend, we'd be harming rather than helping ourselves."