Ken K bringing the festive cheer with the #xmasburpees back in 2013. Only 15 days until the 10TH ANNUAL Christmas Day Burpees!
WOD: 20 min AMRAP 5 Push Press/Jerk (135/95) 10 Front Rack Lunges (135/95) 15 T2B 20 Wall Balls (20/14) ---------------------------
11am Monster Mash - a high volume dose of pure CrossFit deigned for the experienced CrossFitter.
15 mins to build to a heavy complex: 5 Power Clean 10 Front rack Lunge 5 Jerk @20:00 15 min AMRAP 25' HS walk 10 Pistols 15 T2B 35 Double unders @40:00 5 min AMRAP Wall BallsÂ